30 Patella depressa. Shell length 28mm. Mantle removed from viscera of male with gonads. Lleyn, Wales. September 2015.

30 Patella depressa. Shell length 28mm. Mantle removed from viscera of male with gonads. Lleyn, Wales. September 2015.

1: long coiled intestine compacts faeces into firm strings that will not contaminate pallial gills.
2: digestive gland.
3: rectum.
4: course of radula between pair of purple-pink cartilage bolsters of odontophore; visible through translucent epithelium of head.
5: extra large muscle bundle in pedal-retractor muscle to pull down anterior of shell.
6: heart.
7: male gonads (testes).
8: opaque, pigmented chalky-white pallial tentacles.
9: translucent mantle-skirt.
10: black mantle covering pallial-groove.
