33 Patella depressa. Radula after treatment in 10% solution NaOH to remove radular sac. Lleyn, Wales. September 2015.

33 Patella depressa. Radula after treatment in 10% solution NaOH to remove radular sac. Lleyn, Wales. September 2015.

1: posterior end of radula; ribbon white, and teeth slightly pigmented as mineralization at early stage.
2: anterior end of radula; ribbon rich crimson, and teeth strongly pigmented golden with strong hard minerals of iron and silica.

Magnified insert; docoglossan teeth-arrangement.
3: two pairs of large, unicuspid, pigmented lateral teeth (small, unpigmented rachidian/median tooth hidden from view at their base).
4: single, tricuspid, pigmented, dominant-marginal tooth near each margin of ribbon. Middle cusp on P. depressa and P. vulgata is largest; on P. ulyssiponensis outer cusp largest.
5: three small unicuspid marginal teeth on each side of ribbon, barely visible in image.
