37 Patella ulyssiponensis. Shell, epithelium of head, and all viscera removed, except buccal mass and radula. Shell length 24.7mm. North Yorkshire. September 2014.

37 Patella ulyssiponensis. Shell, epithelium of head, and all viscera removed, except buccal mass and radula. Shell length 24.7mm. North Yorkshire. September 2014.

1: powerful muscles in large buccal mass.
2: rust-coloured, iron-reinforced teeth on long radula with plentiful replacements for worn teeth.

Docoglossan radula (type found in Patellidae).
Teeth on each transverse row of radula are,
3: two rust-red lateral teeth either side of central, small, colourless, transparent rachidian tooth; as rachidian is difficult to see, two pairs of laterals look like a central row of four.
4: on each side, one rust-red dominant marginal tooth with three cusps (points). Outer cusp largest on P. ulyssiponensis; but on P. vulgata and P. depressa middle cusp is largest.

Also (not visible in image) three colourless, transparent, marginal teeth near each margin of radula .

Other features

5: teeth indistinct as radula inside translucent radula-sac.
6: off-white, long radula-sac containing radula with developing teeth; two parallel sections of sac as doubled back on itself to fit in body.
7: interior surface of foot on which gonads rest and sometimes show through to give sole a green or orange tint.
8: right bolster (lobe of cartilage) of odontophore; radula rests in groove between bolsters.
