43 Patella depressa album. COMPARISON images of foot on adult P. ulyssiponensis. Shell lengths 20.3mm, 24.7mm and 26,8mm. North Yorkshire. September 2014.

43 Patella depressa album. COMPARISON images of foot on adult P. ulyssiponensis. Shell lengths 20.3mm, 24.7mm and 26,8mm. North Yorkshire. September 2014.

Foot not pitch-brown/black; usually yellowish on middle-sized adults. Green ovaries resting on interior surface of foot of mature female may show as faint greenish tinted zone along median line of foot where it is thinnest (middle specimen).
See images Pd42 42 Patella depressa album. COMPARISON images of foot on young P. ulyssiponensis. Shell lengths 10.6mm, 12mm and 17mm. North Yorkshire. September 2014. and Pd44 for foot-colour on small and large specimens.
