08 Doto coronata. 7.5 mm long. Non-tidal boating lake, salinity 27‰. Dee Estuary, Cheshire. February 2017.

08 Doto coronata.   7.5 mm long. Non-tidal boating lake, salinity 27‰. Dee Estuary, Cheshire. February 2017.

A slight head crest runs from the front of each rhinophore to the base of the oral veil; it is often inconspicuous (1) but clearly visible on (05 Doto coronata. 9.5 mm long. Non-tidal boating lake, salinity 27‰. Dee Estuary, Cheshire. February 2017. ). Thompson and Brown (1984) did not detect crests, but they were described by Shipman & Gosliner (2015).
Reddish pigment on the dorsal surface of the head extends back between the rhinophores (2) and forwards onto the central part (3) of the oral veil. Pigment is usually slight or absent on the head laterally (4), the veil flaps (5) and upper surface of the foot (6). Wrinkled mantle edge (7).