09 Leptochiton cancellatus

09 Leptochiton cancellatus

Length 8.6 mm.
Closely packed, oval granules in chainlike lines running: longitudinally in the jugal (1) and pleural (2) areas and radially on lateral area (3) of valve vii.

4: Girdle raised at posterior for exit of exhalent water current in mantle cavity carrying excreta from lateral nephridiopores, faeces from anus, and ova/sperm from gonopore.

5: Perinotum (dorsal surface) of narrow whitish girdle has no pattern; some individual scales stained with rust coloured ferrous or blackish manganese deposits. Scales squarish with rolled tips; give surface a rough appearance.

6: Hyponotum (ventral surface) of girdle, whitish variably stained with mineral deposits; has imbricated, bluntly pointed, flat scales (microscope needed to see detail on perinotum and hyponotum).
Llŷn, North Wales. March 2016.

KEY ID FEATURES and similar species at: 02 Leptochiton cancellatus