10 Bittium reticulatum. Shell height 6.2 mm. Llŷn Peninsula, North Wales. March 2016.

10 Bittium reticulatum. Shell height  6.2 mm. Llŷn Peninsula, North Wales. March 2016.

Broad anterior of foot tapers steadily to a rounded point at posterior. Sole translucent white with sparse opaque white spots and weakly-defined, longitudinal, yellow band either side of weak median furrow.
1: anterior of foot bilaminate; contains anterior pedal mucous gland.
2: edge of operculum.
3: epipodium with papillate edge; pigmented as the dorsum of the body.
4: two sides of epipodium unite to posterior of operculum and may protrude as a lobe beyond the posterior of the foot.
