16 Myosotella myosotis. Height 7.2 mm. Salting on Dee Estuary, Cheshire, England. May 2018. Left: in air. Right: same specimen in water.

16 Myosotella myosotis. Height 7.2 mm. Salting on Dee Estuary, Cheshire, England. May 2018. Left: in air. Right: same specimen in water.

Upper parts of head and body that are exposed by normal extension are various shades of grey including whitish-grey, steel-grey and brownish-grey to nearly black but rarely, if ever, pure white. Colour of this individual varies with whether in air or water.
The colour is arranged in transverse bands across the dorsum (1), and as a mosaic of tessellating blotches on the sides of the head (2).
The head has two cephalic tentacles; nearly linear with a bluntly pointed tip (subulate) when dry (3), and conical and paler when swollen with water (4).
