43 Testudinalia testudinalis album. COMPARISON image of Tectura virginea. Shell length 7mm. Oban, Scotland. August 1969.

43 Testudinalia testudinalis album. COMPARISON image of Tectura virginea. Shell length 7mm. Oban, Scotland. August 1969.

Tectura virginea for comparison.
1: red-brown V with point near apex of interior.
2: slight threadlike radiating striae.
3: colour faded on dead shell.
4: pattern on central early growth worn away.
5: excentric apex tilted forwards, 18% of shell-length from anterior.
6: anterior profile slightly concave.
7: posterior profile slightly convex.
8: base oval, widest at posterior.

APPENDIX re range advance/retreat: flic.kr/p/2jW74ig
