45 Littorina compressa COMPARE Littorina saxatilis s.l.

45 Littorina compressa COMPARE Littorina saxatilis s.l.

Tiny banded or tessellated form of barnacle ecotype of Littorina saxatilis sensu lato which matures at sizes similar to juveniles of other forms and lives in and among vacated barnacle shells. Often, they have been regarded as a distinct species, Littorina neglecta (Olivi, 1972), but the opinion of Reid (1996), accepted by WoRMS (accessed 2017), is that they are dwarf ecotypes of L. saxatilis sensu stricto, L. arcana and L. compressa which can only be differentiated by dissection of the genitalia. The specimen above has bands that are broken and tending towards tesselation. Shell height 2 mm. North-west Anglesey. March 2014.