01 Margarites helicinus. Height 4.1mm, diameter 5.2mm. Orkney, Scotland. May 2017. Leg. S.Taylor.

01 Margarites helicinus. Height 4.1mm, diameter 5.2mm. Orkney, Scotland. May 2017. Leg. S.Taylor.

Height (1) about 80% of diameter (2).
Whorls smoothly convex with no angulation(3).
Spire small(4); body whorl (5 to 5) height about 90% of shell height.
Body whorl expands rapidly to expanded outer lip (6) of aperture.
Thin, curved, palatal (outer) lip (6) tapers to a fine edge, but thickens where it joins (7) the columellar lip, which is narrow, curved, and folds back only slightly (8) at the umbilicus . A distinct, parietal lip (9) is reflected onto the body whorl. Adapical angle(10) of aperture is about 90º.
