18 Patella pellucida. Length 10.2mm. Early adult, Growth Stage 4 frond dweller (GS4f), on Laminaria frond. March 2014. Littoral. West Anglesey, Wales.

18 Patella pellucida. Length 10.2mm. Early adult, Growth Stage 4 frond dweller (GS4f), on Laminaria frond. March 2014. Littoral. West Anglesey, Wales.

Same specimen as images 15 Patella pellucida. Length 10.2mm. Early adult, Growth Stage 4 frond dweller (GS4f), on Laminaria. March 2014. Littoral. West Anglesey, Wales. & 17 Patella pellucida. Length 10.2mm. Early adult, Growth Stage 4 frond dweller (GS4f), on Laminaria. March 2014. Littoral. West Anglesey, Wales. , but occupied by live animal.
The brown, adult skirt is almost opaque, but the pedal-retractor muscle (1) and, within the muscle outline, the blackish mantle Ppa,E,PCwyfan5649 and fine spray of black particles on the shell interior (2) are discernible through the juvenile growth in good light.
Part 1, SHELL FORMS: 02 Patella pellucida. Growth Stage 2 (GS2). July 2012. Littoral. North Yorkshire, England. © P. Lightfoot.
Part 2, BODY & ANATOMY: 03 Patella pellucida. Growth Stage 3 (GS3). 2009. Sublittoral, Farne Islands, Northumberland, England. © P.Lightfoot.
Part, 3 HABITS & ECOLOGY: 04 Patella pellucida. Length 4.6mm. Growth Stage 3 (GS3). September 2016. Yorkshire, England. © P.Lightfoot.