38 Rissoa membranacea.

38 Rissoa membranacea.

Pigmentation layout on Mediterranean (on left) and Atlantic (on right) forms is virtually identical.
The whitish, translucent flesh is extensively covered by various shades of grey to brown-black pigment dorsally with opaque white spots.
Apart from the snout which is darkest laterally, the sides of the body are pigmented less intensely than the dorsum, and there is a translucent, whitish, slender triangle dorso-laterally (1) that tapers towards the posterior.
On darker specimens, such as these, the surface pigment may partially obscure the opaque, white anterior pedal gland (2) .
The whitish mantle is often brownish near its edge (3) and greyish where it forms the posterior of the mantle cavity roof (4) .
There is an opaque, white, dorsal patch behind each eye.
The foot on both forms can be translucent white with some opaque white spots and, dorsally, pale grey and/or pale-brown shading, but some Mediterranean specimens have distinctly yellow soles against which plentiful opaque spots show clearly; see images 40 Rissoa membranacea.  and 41 Rissoa membranacea. 
