01 Tritia reticulata

01 Tritia reticulata

Maximum height c. 30mm, width 14mm. Shell wall solid, opaque and matt.
Body-whorl convex. Spire is an almost straight-sided cone, varying from stout (specimens 1 & 3 width 53% of height), to slender (specimen 4 width 46% of height). Spire-whorls almost flat. Sutures shallow, emphasised on some with each whorl raised slightly higher than preceding whorl (10).
Opaque, white columellar lip joined without break to large, opaque white parietal lip that conceals the colour of the body-whorl beneath it (6) . Small area slightly translucent on 1, but much less than on British T. nitida. Parietal lip on 2 slightly discoloured after 44 years in store.
All in image have irregular teeth within palatal lip (7) . All have raised rim of siphonal channel by columellar lip (8) . 1,2,3 & 5 have small unobtrusive ribs/teeth on columellar/parietal lip (9). Neck of siphonal canal has more than 3 grooves (11) on T. reticulata, but juveniles and worn adults often have fewer or none.
Heights, 1: W. Anglesey, March 2014, 22.4 mm, 2: Scourie, Scotland, September 1975, 30.8 mm, 3: Blackwater, Essex, September 2019, 27.2 mm Leg. S.Taylor, 4: Weymouth, Dorset, April 2012, 27.6 mm, 5: Tarragona, Spain © J. Prkić.
