02 Velutina velutina. Shell height 6.5 mm Strandline shell, periostracum worn off. August 1969. Durness, North-west Scotland.

02 Velutina velutina. Shell height 6.5 mm Strandline shell, periostracum worn off. August 1969. Durness, North-west Scotland.

Slightly glossy, translucent, white (or pinkish-white) calcareous shell
1: sutures deep, obscured by periostracum when live.
2: apex recessed into a depression, almost involute.
3: sculpture of many very fine growth lines crossed by many very fine, low spiral lines (hardly visible on this specimen) forming a faint reticulated pattern. On live shells, the lines are concealed beneath the substantial light brown periostracum.
4: parietal lip is very short but broader than the columellar lip.
