08 Leucophytia bidentata

08 Leucophytia bidentata

Flesh colour of normally extended dorsal body is almost pure white . When moving on smooth surfaces, the foot is cushioned on a layer of watery mucus (1) and the shell has a thicker layer (2) between it and the substrate.The translucent white foot varies in shape from broad with fairly flat anterior and rounded posterior (see ) to elongate, narrow and as long as the shell when fully extended (Morton, 1955); the latter condition was not seen during observations for this account but the cushion of watery mucus under the shell (2) often looked superficially like an elongation of the foot. The sole is divided by a shallow groove (3) into a semicircular anterior third and a longer posterior section (Morton, 1955).
Jeffreys (1869) opined that the division of the sole into two lobes indicated that locomotion must resemble the looping action of some caterpillars, but this was contradicted by Morton (1955) who wrote “The two lobes of the foot are structurally very similar, and both are kept on the ground continuously when the animal is crawling. There is no well-marked stepping action as with the divided foot of Otina.
Under stone embedded in soil-like substrate with Myosotella form denticulata at EHWS. Menai Strait, Wales. April 2018.
