18 Myosotella myosotis form denticulata.

18 Myosotella myosotis form denticulata.

Bubble of air escaping from submerged pneumostome as water enters.
The rectum and part of the intestine run along the rear edge of the roof of the mantle cavity to the anus (1).
The common genital aperture (2) is hidden beneath the mantle on the right of the animal. The female opening is covered by a thin lip of integument which continues forwards as a narrow fold enclosing the vas deferens (2 to 3) to the male aperture on the right of the head from which penis with vas deferens can be everted for mating by hydrostatic pressure of haemolymph.
4: bilobed muzzle.
5: orange jaw at front of mouth.
6: buccal mass.
7: anterior oesophagus.
8: posterior oesophagus.
Shell height 5 mm. Specimen immersed in water. Menai Strait, Wales. April 2018.
