22 Velutina velutina album. COMPARISON image of Lacuna pallidula. ELWS Anglesey, Wales.

22 Velutina velutina album. COMPARISON image of Lacuna pallidula. ELWS Anglesey, Wales.

Labels 1, 3, 4, 5 match those in ‘Key features’ and ‘Similar species’ section of main account below image 03 Velutina velutina. Shell height 10 mm. ELWS. Gairloch, North-west Scotland. May 2019. Leg. D. McKay & S. Taylor. .
1 Periostracum readily flakes off when dry.
3 Large, D shaped aperture about same size as visible whorls in apertural view.
4 Columellar lip has large groove (chink) and umbilicus.
5 Low spire protrudes, not recessed into a depression.
