25 Myosotella myosotis form denticulata.

25 Myosotella myosotis form denticulata.

The most usual habitat for M. myosotis form denticulata is under slightly embedded stones at Extreme High Water Spring level, and above, on sheltered coast without salting vegetation at full marine salinity. At 16 salting sites with detected Myosotella on the Dee Estuary, 100% of specimens were M. myosotella with the sole exception of the site shown above which was the only site with exposed rock. There, some M. myosotis form denticulata were found with more numerous M. myosotis and some terrestrial invertebrates under stones on the landward edge of the Saltmarsh-grass sward, such as the position marked X in the image. The salinity at this site is low and variable, falling to 0 p.p.t. at low water. This shows that M. myosotis form denticulata does not have to have, as often assumed, full marine salinity.
Its spindle shaped shell is well adapted for moving through small gaps under stones.
Salting backed by sandstone cliff by tidal River Dee, Flintshire, Wales. December 2018.
