25 Velutina velutina album. COMPARISON image of adult Capulus ungaricus shell. Menai Strait, Wales. July 2016. Leg. S. Marley, © S. J .McWilliam

25 Velutina velutina album. COMPARISON image of adult Capulus ungaricus shell. Menai Strait, Wales. July 2016. Leg. S.  Marley, © S. J .McWilliam

Strandline specimen with black mineral staining and sculpture partly eroded.
Capulus ungaricus
When live, white, calcareous shell is covered, including apical protoconch, by substantial pale, straw-coloured periostracum that is raised into spiral ribs 23 Velutina velutina album. COMPARISON image of Capulus ungaricus, juvenile, c.3mm long. Cornwall, England. January 2014 © D. Fenwick . Periostracum extends beyond aperture as fragments that form a fringe on adults.
When live, shell is weakly translucent.
Aperture large and almost circular with only the small curled apex visible in apertural view.
Columellar lip has no umbilicus or groove.
Small, downward spirally coiled apex protrudes almost centrally from beyond body whorl. Apex not recessed into a depression, and turned only slightly to the right of the animal .
Flesh yellowish with white speckles . Proboscis permanently extended (Graham, 1988).
Juveniles often found near open end of Pomatoceros tubes 24 Velutina velutina. Album, COMPARISON image of Capulus ungaricus, juvenile, c.3mm long . Cornwall, England. January 2014 © D. Fenwick . ; adults near bivalves and Turritella, purloining food particles brought in by the hosts’ inhalent currents, or their pseudofaeces.
