27 Tritia reticulata. Dissected female, mantle intact. Llŷn Penisula, Wales. March 2016.

27 Tritia reticulata. Dissected female, mantle intact. Llŷn Penisula, Wales. March 2016.

Dissected female, mantle intact. Terms are defined in glossary  below.

1:  sole of foot. 2: dorsum of foot.

4: operculum. 5: mantle edge.

6: unblotched mantle.7: darkly blotched mantle.

8: respiratory inhalent siphon.

9: osphradium (under mantle).

10: ctenidium (under mantle).

11: hypobranchial gland,(under mantle)

12: kidney. 13: digestive gland.

14: stomach (two ends of). 15: ovary.

16: auricle of heart. 17: ventricle of heart.

Llŷn Penisula, Wales, March 2016.