29 Myosotella myosotis. Shell heights left: 7.2 mm, in air; centre & right: 7.4 mm, in water. Salting on Dee Estuary, Cheshire, England. May 2018.

29 Myosotella myosotis. Shell heights left: 7.2 mm, in air; centre & right: 7.4 mm, in water. Salting on Dee Estuary, Cheshire, England. May 2018.

The head has two cephalic tentacles; nearly linear with a bluntly pointed tip (subulate) when dry (1), and conical and paler when swollen with water (2). The distal half of the tentacles, sometimes slightly bulbous, is brownish (3) and contains sensory chemoreceptor cells (Wondrak, 1984).
There is an internal black eye within the posteromesial base of each tentacle.
