30 Myosotella myosotis. Shell heights 5.6 mm, 6 mm, in air, & 7.4mm in water (on right). Salting on Dee Estuary, Cheshire, England. May 2018.

30 Myosotella myosotis. Shell heights 5.6 mm, 6 mm, in air, & 7.4mm in water (on right). Salting on Dee Estuary, Cheshire, England. May 2018.

There is an internal black eye within the posteromesial base of each tentacle. Distinctness of eyes varies with intensity of body pigment and amount of flesh they are viewed through; the eyes in the wet one in this image are less distinct as the overlying tissue is more swollen with absorbed water. The head in front of the tentacles forms a broad, slightly bilobed muzzle which can be variably configured, but not cylindrically to form a snout like that of many marine gastropods.
