41 Tritia reticulata

41 Tritia reticulata

Shell heights : a 7.7 mm, b 9 mm, c 10 mm, d 12 mm, e 22.1 mm.
All have nearly flat spire-whorls and a straight sided spire-profile.
Strong apical protoconchs only slightly damaged; intact on b (1).
Outer neck of siphonal canal (2) has 5 grooves, (4, 5 or more on adults are diagnostic of T. reticulata. Juveniles and worn adults have fewer or none, so liable to confusion with T. nitida).
Beachworn and juvenile; opaque white parietal lip damaged on some..
All had an eroded or broken palatal lip, so acute/right angle meeting of palatal lip with siphonal canal (diagnostic of T. reticulata) is altered to obtuse (not shown in image); this feature should not be used for differentiating from T. nitida when eroded or broken. Palatal (outer) lips of d & e broken away so have lost row of palatal teeth and aperture widened.growth stages. Beached shells. Lower shore has sand with Zostera. Llŷn, Wales. August 1968.