63 Tritia reticulata COMPARE Tritia nitida

63 Tritia reticulata COMPARE Tritia nitida

This specimen fits the original description of Tritia nitida, as Nassa nitida, by Jeffreys, 1867:  “Body greyish, with a slight tinge of purple, and closely speckled with flake-white”;

It also fits the text for Tritia nitida of Roland & Luque (1994): “Siphon colour almost always blackish”, though this is not so on all populations.

The two costae nearest the outer lip have almost merged to form a slight labial varix.

The tip of the cream, unpigmented feeding-proboscis protrudes slightly below the head in this image.

Locmariaquer, Bretagne, France. March 2019. © P. Boissel.