66 Tritia reticulata COMPARE Tritia incrassata

66 Tritia reticulata COMPARE Tritia incrassata

Squatter shell than  T. reticulata, tapers strongly to apex.

1: all whorls convex.

2: pronounced, broad, labial varix; light brown with red/brown lines when covered by periostracum.

3: shell sculpture of transverse, oblong, rather than squarish, bosses.

4: white columella.

5: white siphonal canal with black/brown spot, see fig. 67.

6: semicircular, glossy, opaque, white parietal lip covers part of body whorl; less extensive than on T. reticulata.

7: periostracum only retained in grooves of sculpture on live specimens.

Dorset, England. April 2012.
