24 Facelina auriculata COMPARE Facelina vicina

24 Facelina auriculata COMPARE Facelina vicina

Facelina vicina (Bergh, 1882)
Occasional specimens are like this with no iridescence.
Cerata up to 58% body length. They have an opaque white tip with an opaque white line, partly broken into a line of dots, running down the anterior from the tip.
Rhinophores have a median row of discrete, elongated white spots between and behind them. This one also has line in front of rhinophores.
Propodial tentacles protrude from each side of foot.
Almost transparent body shows viscera, such as the red stomach and orange intestine behind it, and the elongated, yellow-white hermaphrodite gland in the posterior half.
Long oral tentacles about twice as long as rhinophores.
Length 30 mm. Croatia. © J. Prkić.