24 Ocenebra erinaceus COMPARE capsules

24 Ocenebra erinaceus COMPARE capsules

1: Urosalpinx cinerea
Egg capsules about 5 mm high. Flattened oval attached to substrate with a thin stem. Wide, slightly everted aperture has a recessed plug. Buff or yellowish
:copyright: S. Taylor.

2 Ocenebra erinaceus
Egg capsules 6 to 13 mm high. Shaped like a hot water bottle with sloping shoulders. Sometimes a raised rib creates a triangular cross section. Narrow aperture on a short neck has a small protruding plug. Whitish turning to yellow or purple with age
:copyright: M. Storey & K. Wheatley

3 Ocinebrellus inornatus
Egg capsules 15 to 20 mm high. Shaped like a kite with rounded lateral corners and a face flexed so its two wings bend towards each other. Its tall neck tapers to a narrow aperture. Initially whitish turning yellow with age.
:copyright: M. Haarsma & V. Engelbos

4 Nucella lapillus
Egg capsules are spindle shaped, up to 10 mm high and 4 mm wide, on a short thin stalk. Yellowish white becoming yellow or sometimes purple or brownish with age.
: flic.kr/p/2op3qCC