40 Lacuna vincta COMPARE Barleeia unifasciata

40 Lacuna vincta COMPARE Barleeia unifasciata

Barleeia unifasciata (Bu) has no umbilicus or columellar groove. The well developed spire is about 60% of the shell height. Its aperture occupies about 25% of area in apertural view.
The shell is usually all red-brown or with a single wide red-brown spiral band (1). L. vincta (Lv) usually has four bands (1, 2, 3, 4) The maximum height ofBarleeia unifasciata is 3 mm. In winter, L. vincta are much bigger than B. unifasciata but in summer, the smallest juvenile L. vincta may be a similar size to adult B. unifasciata.
Bu adults H 2.5 mm in October, North Wales and 2.9 mm in April, Dorset.
Lv juveniles H. 3 mm in July and H. 5.3 mm in August , Menai Strait.
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