40a Nucella lapillus boring into Patella depressa (33mm long). Lleyn, North Wales. September 2015.

40a Nucella lapillus boring into Patella depressa (33mm long). Lleyn, North Wales. September 2015.

Usual feeding-preference order in Britain of N. lapillus is reported to be, Semibalanus balanoides (barnacle), Mytilus edulis (mussel), Elminius modestus (barnacle) with other molluscs such as winkles, top shells and limpets being attacked mainly in SW England where S. balanoides is scarce. But when N. lapillus has shifted food source because a preferred prey is scarce, it is conservative and reluctant to move back immediately to the “preferred” prey when available again. This specimen ignored the S. balanoides growing on the limpet, even though next to its bore hole (shown on image 40b).
