15 Lepidochitona cinerea

15 Lepidochitona cinerea

Length 11 mm.
1 – 2 about sixteen ctenidia in mantle cavity extend nearly whole length of foot ( holobranch arrangement). Cilia on ctenidia and mantle create inhalent water-current entering mantle cavity at anterior and sides under raised girdle; brings oxygen to ctenidia, and carries excreta from lateral nephridiopores, sperm or ova from lateral gonopores, and faecal pellets from anus to be expelled under raised mantle at posterior.
3: small mantle-lappet near posterior (rest of mantle-fold unobtrusive).
4: pinkish-white elliptical sole with viscera showing as medial band of grey; no medial dividing line.
5: slightly darker border around sole.
6: slightly darker border around head.
7: fringe of translucent golden spines on edge of girdle.
Menai Strait, Wales. February 2011.

KEY ID FEATURES and similar species at: 01 Lepidochitona cinerea