18 Acanthochitona crinita

18 Acanthochitona crinita

Cornwall, U.K. 1984. Section of radula magnified X270 by scanning electron microscope. Specimen RMNH.MOL.HLS.1197 coll. Naturalis, Leiden, Netherlands. Image provided by J. D. Sigwart.
Captions accord with the standardised terminology for chitons proposed by Schwabe (2010).
1: central (rachidian) tooth.
2: minor lateral tooth.
3: major lateral tooth; does virtually all the cutting of food.
4: first uncinal tooth.
5: second uncinal tooth.
6: major (third) uncinal tooth; sweeps up loosened food particles.
7, 8, 9: marginal teeth.

uncinal = with hooked tip.
SEM images appear opaque as object is sputter coated with gold or other conductive material and image taken with electrons instead of light particles. The teeth are variously coloured and translucent in light. See images 15Ac 15 Acanthochitona crinita & 16Ac 16 Acanthochitona crinita for appearance in light.

KEY ID FEATURES and similar species at: 01 Acanthochitona crinita