18 Lepidochitona cinerea

18 Lepidochitona cinerea

Cilia on surface of anterior part of mantle-cavity, cleared of mucus, magnified X5000 by scanning electron microscope. © L.H. Sumner-Rooney.
Tufts of motile cilia, 15 to 20 μm long, on surfaces of mantle-cavity (also occur on ctenidia) create inhalent water-current entering inhalent chamber of mantle-cavity wherever girdle is raised laterally. Adjacent ctenidia have interlocking cilia so all ctenidia work as a unit (as in many bivalves). Surface between cilia tufts is carpeted with smaller microvilli; precise function(s) uncertain, may include mucus secretion. See www.academia.edu/5796930/A_test_for_mucus_removal_in_the_… for further detail.

KEY ID FEATURES and similar species at: 01 Lepidochitona cinerea