20 Leptochiton cancellatus album COMPARISON L. sarsi.

20 Leptochiton cancellatus album COMPARISON L. sarsi.

Part of intermediate valve of L. sarsi for comparison. Leg. 1970. Det. P. Kaas. Depth 100 to 150m, Bohuslan, Sweden. SEM image, X55, provided by J. Sigwart. specimen RMNH.MOL.K.4901, coll. Naturalis, Leiden, Netherlands.
On lateral area (1) , granules clumped in indistinct quincunxes, not in distinct lines (radial lines on L. cancellatus).
On pleural (2) and jugal (3) areas , granules in longitudinal lines; spaced more widely than on L. cancellatus so fewer rows; on this image 11 rows match width of apophysis (4) , about 16 on L. cancellatus.
Another example on image a 19 Leptochiton cancellatus album COMPARISON L. sarsi. .

KEY ID FEATURES and similar species at: 02 Leptochiton cancellatus