43 Acanthochitona fascicularis

43 Acanthochitona fascicularis

Length 42 mm. Shell valves and girdle removed. Dorset, England. April 2017.
The long coiled intestine (1) is usually dark green, probably because of the chiton’s diet of algae. The intensity of the green diminishes posteriorly (2), perhaps resulting from the digestion progress.
The large white gonads (3) in the posterior part of the body connect laterally through a left and right gonoduct (4) to the gonopore located at the base of gills level with the suture between valves vi & vii. The exhalent water current in the pallial cavity carries sperm or ova from the gonopores to the posterior and out under the raised girdle .

KEY ID FEATURES : 01 Acanthochitona fascicularis