03 Coryphella gracilis

03 Coryphella gracilis

GLOSSARY below main account under image 01.
1: buccal mass.
2: circum-oesophageal nerve ring.
3: oesophagus.
4: rhinophoral ganglion and nerve cord to circum-oesophageal nerve ring.
5: salivary gland.
6: reproductive organs.
7: coiled part of reproductive organs.
8: rectum.
9: notal ridge containing vessel carrying digestive gland to bases of cerata.
10: elliptical ceras with narrowed base.
11: granular digestive gland within ceras (enlarged).
12: fragmented, narrow, opaque white, subapical ring.
13: spheroid, opaque white ovotestes.
Length 8 mm. Menai Strait, Wales. April 2011.