08 Cadlina pellucida COMPARE Cadlina laevis

08 Cadlina pellucida COMPARE Cadlina laevis

Cadlina laevis (Linnaeus, 1767).
Samples of C. laevis with very varied appearance from Russia, Scandinavia and Ireland had identical CO1 sequences (Korshunova et al., 2020).
1) Low profile, soft, translucent, white body, sometimes tinted yellow.
2) Mantle has small, inconspicuous tubercles (1), sometimes larger, yellow and conspicuous (right), with larger, opaque chalk-white or lemon-yellow glands around mantle skirt.
3) Rhinophores and gills white. Low crenulate sheath around base of rhinophores (2).
4) Northern species which extends to northern Iberia. Littoral and sublittoral in northern Europe, usually sublittoral in southern Britain and further south.
Left: sublittoral, Isle of Man, June 2021, © T. Nicholson.
Right: sublittoral, 41 m, Scilly, England, June 2015, © N. Faulks.