09 Aplysia punctata. Two mating. Lengths 80mm & 100mm. Sublittoral 16m, water temperature 13°C. Firth of Lorne, West Scotland. August, 2007. Leg. © J.Anderson.

09 Aplysia punctata.  Two mating. Lengths 80mm & 100mm. Sublittoral 16m, water temperature 13°C. Firth of Lorne, West Scotland. August, 2007. Leg.  ©  J.Anderson.

Copyright J. Anderson www.nudibranch.org/Scottish%20Nudibranchs/aplysia-punctat…
Simultaneous hermaphrodite, but distant spacing and positioning of male and female organs prevents mutual interchange of gametes between a side-to-side couple. Acting-male climbs astride acting-female from behind and with anterior of foot firmly grips mantle and shell (via foramen) of acting-female. Penis of acting-male, engorged by blood and extruded by eversion of internal penis sheath, curves backwards and downwards to be inserted into vaginal part of other’s common genital aperture.
