09 Doto coronata. 7.5 mm long. Non-tidal boating lake, salinity 27‰ . Dee Estuary, Cheshire. February 2017.

09 Doto coronata. 7.5 mm long. Non-tidal boating lake, salinity 27‰ . Dee Estuary, Cheshire. February 2017.

Each finger-like, smooth, translucent, white rhinophore has variable amounts of opaque white freckling, mainly in the distal half (1). It arises from a translucent white basal sheath (2) with a smooth rim which is dilated particularly at the front. The sheath usually has a few white pigment spots and, often, some red pigment (3).
Translucent whitish cerata with an orange internal digestive gland (4) extend almost to the apex as there is no cnidosac. Colour of digestive gland varies with diet. Within each tubercle there are a red spheroid (5) and several sub-apical, white, granular bodies (6).