11 Berthella plumula COMPARISON images of B. perforata from Étang de Thau, Mediterranean France. © P. Girard and S. Le Bris.

11 Berthella plumula COMPARISON images of B. perforata from Étang de Thau, Mediterranean France. © P. Girard and S. Le Bris.

“The identification of specimens of B. perforata is problematic due to the color variation in this species.” (Ghanimi et al. 2020b). The markings on some resemble those of B. stellata, while others, with the features in the above images, resemble B. plumula. Reliable identification requires DNA sequencing, but present evidence suggests that those in the Mediterranean like those above can be considered to be B. perforata and those in the Atlantic to be B. plumula. Further molecular examination is required to find if there is any overlap in their ranges and where their precise limits are.
