11 Doto coronata. 7.5 mm long. Mersey Estuary, Cheshire, England.

11 Doto coronata. 7.5 mm long. Mersey Estuary, Cheshire, England.

The red pigment blotching of the body extends subepidermally into the mesial face of the cerata, often reaching half way up or further on large specimens (see 02 Doto coronata. 7.5 mm long. Non-tidal boating lake, salinity 27‰ . Dee Estuary, Cheshire. February 2017. ), but less extensive (1) on small adults such as this, and often absent on smaller juveniles (see 12 Doto coronata. Juvenile 2 mm long. Menai Strait, Wales. February 2014. ).