14 Haminoea navicula COMPARE Haloa japonica

14 Haminoea navicula COMPARE Haloa japonica

Body whitish with brown and white pigment spots. 1: eye in unpigmented patch.  2: orange-brown buccal mass.   3: overlapping long cephalic lobes.  4: dense brown parapodia meet dorsally, with slight or no overlap.  5: orange spots on mantle inside shell.   6: growth lines on semi-transparent shell, but the very fine spiral lines indiscernible.  7: posterior pallial lobe extended far beyond shell.  8: irregular spawn mass containing large yellow ova attached to vegetation. Étang de Berre, southern France, September 2022 and April 2024. © F. Andre. [Features described in Gofas, S. and Salas, D.M. & C. 2011 Moluscos marinos de Andalucía Universidad de Málaga.]