14 images of L. capitata in Meyer & Möbius.

14 images of L. capitata in Meyer & Möbius.

Meyer and Möbius (1865–1872) gave a record of L. capitata in 1863 at Bornholm, where the mean seas surface salinity is currently circa 7.5‰, below the 10‰ lower limit for spawning. While their illustration above from Kieler Bucht show that they could recognise the features of L. capitata, the Bornholm specimens were found in 1863 when it is unlikely that M&M were familiar with Limapontia depressa first described by Alder and Hancock only in the year previous and without published image. The specimens were collected for M&M by a fisherman who said that he found them abundantly under littoral stones. This is not the usual habitat of L. capitata, which lives on filamentous algae, mainly Cladophera spp.; one wonders how reliable the reported location is. It is desirable that this record be checked with fieldwork and photography.
Otherwise, they give its limit as Rügen; "L. capitata kommt in der westlichen Ostsee bis etwas Rugen vor."

The untypical hump-back profile in the image may be the result of the specimen being abruptly transferred from high to low salinity water, which causes osmotic swelling selectively of the visceral mass (Jensen, 1977). The untypical image has been copied in Barrett & Yonge (1958) and other publications.
