15 Doto coronata. 9.2 mm & 7.5 mm long. Non-tidal boating lake, salinity 27‰. Dee Estuary, Cheshire. February 2017.

15 Doto coronata. 9.2 mm & 7.5 mm long. Non-tidal boating lake, salinity 27‰. Dee Estuary, Cheshire. February 2017.

The sole is translucent white or yellowish, revealing the yellowish spheroids of the ovotestis in mature individuals. There are no propodial tentacles (1); from above, an oral veil flap might be mistaken for one (2).
The foot can spread widely (3) to crawl on flat surfaces, or curl into a deep gutter (4) to grip round the stem of hydroid prey.