16 Limapontia senestra. Fleet Lagoon, Dorset, England. August 2003.

16 Limapontia senestra. Fleet Lagoon, Dorset, England. August 2003.

© H.C. Marshall
1: prominent rib to anterior of spatulate rhinophore on young adult.
2: anterior rib very pronounced, approaching that on Quatrefages’ image (see ), rhinophores still spatulate, on adult nearing complete development.
3: fully developed adult with cylindrical, digitiform rhinophores and inconspicuous anterior ribs.
Specimens from the Fleet lagoon, Dorset, Google aerial view at www.google.co.uk/maps/@50.6267186,-2.5697256,4517m/data=!… .

Kluijver et al. state that L. senestra lives in the Fleet, “in reduced salinity (down to 20‰ or lower)”
but JNCC states, “ – – fully saline conditions [pertain] throughout most of the Fleet, with reduced salinity occurring only in the west.” sac.jncc.gov.uk/site/UK0017076 Helen Marshall did not find L. senestra in the west near Abbotsbury. More detailed information is needed before it is assumed that it can live at 20‰ salinity.
