27 Doto coronata album. Doto cf. sarsiae L. 8.5 mm. Det. B. Picton, and its hydroid prey, Garveia nutans, plate XIV modified, Hincks (1868).

27 Doto coronata album. Doto cf. sarsiae L. 8.5 mm. Det. B. Picton, and its hydroid prey, Garveia nutans, plate XIV modified, Hincks (1868).

Bright red-orange specimen without reddish subepidermal pigment on mesial faces of cerata; found on Garveia nutans. Possibly D. sarsiae, but that species feeds on Coryne eximia, and its cerata have blunt apical tubercles that each contain a large red spheroid (see www.habitas.org.uk/marinelife/species.asp?item=W12885 ) . The specimen above has tall apical tubercles, all of which, with two small exceptions, lack a reddish spheroid.
1: polyp colony with scale. 2: magnified gastrozooid. 3: magnified gonozoid