29 Marsenia perspicua

29 Marsenia perspicua

Egg capsules embedded in unitary ascidian. The female bites a circular hole in the test of one of the compound or unitary ascidian prey species. Fretter & Graham (1962 & 1994) state, ‘Velutina velutina favours the large solitary forms – – – while Lamellaria eat compound ascidians’, but both sorts are used for insertion of egg capsules by L. perspicua (see image 28 Lamellaria perspicua. Egg capsules embedded in colonial ascidian. Llŷn, Caerns., Wales. March 2016. ). The capsule is inserted into the hole up to its neck by pressure of the foot, there being no specialised ventral pedal gland to aid this like that on closely related Trivia species. On unitary ascidians with thick tests, the only part of the capsule to usually protrude above the ascidian surface is the low dome of the translucent cap sealing the mouth and a slight rim.

Llŷn Peninsula, Wales, March 2016.