01 Pusillina inconspicua

01 Pusillina inconspicua

Profile variation. A: Llŷn, Wales H.  2.6 mm. No purple apex spot, but present on some at this site; none had labial varix. Spire 35%, body whorl 65%, aperture 42% of H. B: Loch Linne, Scotland. H. 2.5 mm. Labial varix and purple apex spot. Spire 40%, body whorl 60%, aperture 40% of H. C: Herm, Channel Islands. H. 2.2 mm . Labial varix and purple apex spot. Spire 34%, body whorl 66%, aperture 41% of H. D: Fal Estuary, Cornwall H 1.3 mm (juvenile). Labial varix and purple apex spot. Spire 23%, body whorl 77%, aperture 46% of H.  B – D leg. coll. J.M. Light.