01 Velutina velutina. Shell height 10 mm. ELWS. Gairloch, North-west Scotland. May 2019. Leg. D. McKay & S. Taylor.

01 Velutina velutina. Shell height 10 mm. ELWS. Gairloch, North-west Scotland.  May 2019. Leg. D. McKay &  S. Taylor.

Aperture almost circular, about 90% of shell-height, about three times as large as visible whorls in apertural view.
The large round aperture resembles that of limpets and, like them, V. velutina has no operculum to seal it.
1: shell height 10mm
2: shell width 8.7mm
3: shell depth 5mm, c. 50% of shell height.
4: 2.5 rapidly expanding tumid whorls; body whorl constitutes great majority of shell.
5: apical angle wide.
6: apex protrudes very slightly or not at all.
7: palatal and columellar lips run into each other in a smooth curve.
8: parietal lip (whitish glaze) is very short but broader than the columellar lip.
9: adapical angle of aperture rounded.
10: umbilicus absent.
11: white, translucent interior of shell shows brown of exterior periostracum.
