02 Rissoella diaphana

02 Rissoella diaphana

Shell is glossy and transparent, clearly showing colour and form of soft parts in contact with it.
1: apical angle about 50°.
2: growth lines.
3: protoconch slightly wider than teleoconch at their juncture, causes small bulge.
4: smoothly rounded, swollen whorls.
5: fine suture distinctly defined between swollen whorls.
6: flattened, narrow, subsutural shoulder.
7: adapical angle of aperture about 90º.
8: arc of brown opercular lobe at adapical end of palatal edge.
9: smoothly curving, thin palatal lip.
10: arc of brown opercular lobe at abapical end of palatal edge.
11: faint brownish streak on columellar edge of transparent colourless operculum.
12: small umbilical chink behind rounded edge of columellar lip.
13: parietal lip is continuation of columellar lip.
Shell height 1.6 mm, Anglesey, May 2016.